

OPEN ° LIGHTS are DIY open source lighting modules designed to meet the needs of wheelchair users. In this workshop you can learn how to build your own OPEN ° LIGHT for your wheelchair or another use case.


English Workshop Everyone

Makerspace indoor

A Portable Network Kit (PNK) is a simply assembly of equipment that builds a basic wireless network (raspberry pi server + router + access point + battery). You can use it to communicate in an emergency, as an offline/local "sneakernet," or to share an internet connection. In this workshop we'll use a PNK to demystify wireless networking, and to create a consentful technology - one that embeds our consent as users, our control of our digital bodies, into tech design and function.


English Workshop Everyone

Makerspace indoor

In this workshop we are going to talk about how to replace plastic bags and daily life packaging with biodegradable materials and learn how to make bio plastics.


Computer ist das kreativste Werkzeug aller Zeiten und computational thinking - eine der gefragten Kompetenzen in der digitalen Welt. In diesem Workshop dreht sich alles um Mini-Computer. Anhand des Beispiels von Raspberry Pi erkunden Sie die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Mini-Computern in der Schule: Ob Basteln der Lernspiele im Fremdsprachenunterricht oder Bauen der Schaltkreise im Fach Physik – im Workshop entdecken Sie vielfältige Einsatzszenarien von Raspberry Pi. Dabei erfahren Sie theoretische Grundlagen - das Konzept computational thinking, lernen die Grundlagen im Umgang mit dem Pi kennen und probieren anschließend die Features von Raspberry Pi selbst aus.


Unleash your imagination, perhaps build a creature? Explore different ways of creating movement collaboratively or individually. Experiment and choose the motornand methods that you fancy. Basic materials will be provided. Build your own ideas. Create technology for the future. Your ideas matter. You make a difference. Everyoneis super welcome, especially if you have no previous experience.


English Meetup Everyone Partner: Fab Lab Berlin

Makerspace indoor

Fab Labs and maker spaces offer a huge potential to foster ecological sustainability. However, often a lack of awareness and adequate tools in such spaces inhibit the development of truly sustainable processes and solutions.