Health in times of interconnectedness in a fascinatingly wide spectrum: “re:health” deals with the various aspects of how digitisation leaves its marks on the realms of (quantified) health and health services, and the opportunities and risks that these developments have for people and their bodies.

In previous years, topics such as 3D printing in disaster areas, depression on the internet and digital developments in the healthcare sector, e.g. in the British NHS, were among the topics covered. Another important issue was health information online and its quality inspection – more relevant than ever! (Your body, your choice!). We also discussed medical data & ethics, digital period and ovulation trackers, self-care, and the ever-present Blockchain: Surprise us with your submissions and turn PoP into the Power of Patients!


  • Politics & Society
    In dieser Vortragsecke werden vor allem Start-ups angesprochen die sich auf dem ersten Gesundheitsmarkt in Deutschland tummeln möchten und Versorgungslösungen für gesetzlich versicherte Patienten anbieten möchten.
  • Science & Technology
    There are so many niche needs related to health & wellbeing which cannot be filled by established commercial solutions. That applies to the global north and even more to the global south. However, digital fabrication and ICTs combined allow for co-developing open source (connected) hardware solutions that are designed for production in makerspaces to fill this gap.
  • Research & Education
    In May 2017 the WannaCry ransomware attack disrupted hospitals all over the world. The attack should have been a wake-up call for IT security in healthcare - but has anything changed since then? What are the dangers, really? Can hackers harm people or even kill them? Jelena talks about her experiences with IT security in different hospitals and healthcare settings. Together we will discuss possible dangers, but also potential solutions. The aim is to create a safe and secure environment both for patients and employees.
  • Politics & Society
    Nicht nur in den sozialen Medien entwickeln sich Filterblasen, sondern überall da, wo Kommunikation schwierig bis unmöglich ist, etwa zwischen hörenden und gehörlosen Menschen und ihren Kulturen. Eine digitale Lösung: Das Cochlea-Implantat. Meine Implantation war ein Übertritt von einer Blase in die andere. Und beim Wechsel von Perspektiven und Identität begegnete mir ein Konflikt, der in der Öffentlichkeit kaum wahrgenommen wurde, aber geradezu exemplarisch für die Digitalisierung ist.
  • re:publica
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    Demographic change is presenting the German care system with an ever-increasing challenge. Digital innovations such as robots could be part of the solution. However, for the successful introduction and sustainable acceptance of concepts and solutions for tomorrow's care, the potential of new technologies must be systematically linked to the needs of the practice and ethical issues.

    We bring "Pepper" to the GIG Makerspace at re: publica in order for the public to meet and test a robot that supports caretakers, but also to discuss concerns and questions, and to jointly develop application scenarios. Every re:publica day after lunch, we offer a hands-on dance and gymnastics session with Pepper, followed by an open discussion.

  • Leisure & Lifestyle
    Was passiert, wenn das Internet über die Revolution der Verhütung diskutiert? Über eine revolutionäre Methode, bei der die Männer endlich Verantwortung für dieses elementare Menschheits-Thema übernehmen? Das Internet reagiert darauf mit allem, was es zu bieten hat. Mit Neugier, mit Liebe und Hass, mit Humor und überbordender Kreativität. Sprechen wir also über Sexualität, über Verhütung und wie die Menschheit damit umgeht.
  • Politics & Society
    Big Data, Künstliche Intelligenz und Virtual Reality lauten die Schlagworte, wenn es um die Medizin von morgen geht. Dabei wird die eigentliche Revolution, die die Digitalisierung des Gesundheitswesens hervorbringt, oft übersehen: die neue Rolle der Patienten. Sie sind nicht länger passive Zuschauer, sondern werden zu Managern ihrer Gesundheit. Bühne frei für den e-Patienten!

  • Research & Education
    Demographic change is ongoing in countries like Germany and Japan, as a consequence, societies and health care systems need to adapt.
    A possible solution to tackle this challenge of a super-ageing society might be digitalisation and robotics.
    A look to Japan highlights concepts like society 5.0, but does this fit for the European countries as well?
    Is it desirable from an ethical perspective, will it be accepted by the society and the citizens themselves?
    We will discuss those issues in our panel discussion with regard to IoT and robotics in the field of elderly care.
  • Science & Technology
    People go to different doctors for different ailments. Each visit results in new health data, which if combined and cross-referenced would help health researchers to spot patterns in symptoms in order to better improve diagnostic criteria. This requires new approaches to processing, storing and visualizing personal data as well as careful ethical considerations. Machine learning and our health – how do we go forward without missing opportunities, while keeping our personal integrity intact?

    We want to discuss these questions with you. Your ideas will contribute to cutting edge systems medicine research.
  • Science & Technology
    In the workshop »Hear How You Like To Hear« you are testing prototypes of »Hearables« (portable hearing aids) together with the Fraunhofer IDMT from Oldenburg.
  • Arts & Culture
    Digitale Spiele vermitteln Wissen zu psychischen Krankheiten. In dieser Session wird einerseits skizziert, wie Games durch stereotype Darstellungen psychischer Störungen möglicherweise zur Stigmatisierung psychisch Erkrankter beitragen können, es wird aber auch gezeigt, dass Spiele ernsthaft über Krankheitsbilder informieren können oder als autopathographische Zeugnisse ein Ausdrucksmittel des persönlichen Umgangs mit Krankheit sein können.