Photo credit: Sonny Abesamis (CC BY 2.0)
We Can Work It Out
“The working worlds of the future” is the topic for the Science Year 2018. Before the session of Ranga Yogeshwar the German minister for education and research will open the topic "We can Work it Out".
And “We can Work it out”: at rp18, we want to adopt a perspective that is located beyond the job market, pure engineering and business administration, and which approaches this future world of work to penetrate it, both scientifically and philosophically. What challenges will have to be faced in terms of (office) architecture, personal life goals, ethics and law?
How do we want to further educate and work in a digitalised world? Is there a life after the maxim of economic growth? What techno-social questions are raised that can be connected to other re:publica discourses, for example, the topic of privacy? The focus on-stage, in “sweatshops”, artworks and performances should not just be on automation and labour shortage, but also on what role research and science (can) play in the shaping of this shift.
Science Year 2018 – “Working Worlds of the Future”
The Science Year 2018 focuses on the “Working World of the Future”. Digitalization, alternative ways of working, artificial intelligence research and similar fields present new challenges and opportunities to scientific and civil societies. How will people work in future? And how do you prepare for these scenarios? What role can science and research play in designing the terms of labor? The Science Year 2018 highlights the impact technological and social innovations have on the economy of tomorrow, and discusses the new standards of socio-political dialogue and work experience that we face today. “Learn, experience, create” is the motto of the Science Year 2018, and all interested participants are called upon to join in, ask questions and find solutions.
The Science Year is an initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, BMBF, organized in collaboration with Wissenschaft im Dialog (WiD). As a central instrument of federal science communication, the Science Year conveys current research to the public and fosters the dialogue between science and society.
- re:publicaWe Can Work It Out-Site specific IOT conference game
- Business & InnovationWe Can Work It Out-Trebor Scholz presents activist research on the worker cooperative as a promising economic alternative for the digital economy.
- Research & EducationWe Can Work It OutCreative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Germany (CC BY-SA 3.0 DE)-Für die einschneidenden Veränderungen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt waren Technologien stets zentral. Der technische Fortschritt ist jedoch kein Naturgesetz, er wird durch unsere Gesellschaft, durch unsere Entscheidungen, Vorstellungen und auch durch unsere Geschlechterrollen geprägt. Ein Blick zurück - und auf die Zukunft, die wir wollen.
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- Science & TechnologyWe Can Work It Out-An onomatopoetic hackathon to co-create a cacophonic compilation of our former office lives.
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- Business & InnovationWe Can Work It OutCreative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Germany (CC BY-SA 3.0 DE)-Experts who equate robotics and automation with the destruction of jobs often overlook one important detail: With the world’s population expected to increase to almost 10 billion by 2050 we will need more buildings, infrastructure and products to support more people. We will explore the role of AI/automation, in helping us design and make MORE things, make them BETTER, and with LESS negative impact.
[Partnersession] - Arts & CultureWe Can Work It Out-Artist Morehshin Allahyari works on the intersection of art&activism using 3D scanners and 3D printers as tools of investigation. Researching petropolitical relationships between 3D printing, oil, techno-capitalism, and jihadism or dark goddesses, and monstrous djinn female figures of Middle-Eastern origin, she wants to explore the symbolic meanings behind traditions and myths and speculate on the effects of colonialism and other forms of contemporary oppression.
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- Media & JournalismWe Can Work It OutCreative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Germany (CC BY-SA 3.0 DE)-The use of data-driven algorithmic systems to run our lives has become commonplace. It is also becoming increasingly clear that they don’t work equally for everyone. Interrogating these systems is challenging because they are usually protected by terms and conditions that keep their code opaque and their data inaccessible to outsiders. So how do you fight injustice if you can’t see it? One approach is to find the stories of who these systems harm rather than focusing on how they work.
- Business & InnovationWe Can Work It OutCreative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Germany (CC BY-SA 3.0 DE)-Trebor Scholz presents activist research on the worker cooperative as a promising economic alternative for the digital economy.