At re:publica, sparkling eyes do not only belong in front of the stages, unnexpected surprises can be found everywhere.

The re:publica Track unites supporting program, evening program and all the colorful ongoings, that can be discovered and shaped by you. Be prepared to get kidnapped by aliens, your decision on who to vote for is understood by an artificial intelligence and a machine that mixes cherry and banana juice tells you about your fortune. Also exciting: you will find video and sound installations about physicality and identity all over the station. 

If you want to escape from the digital stream at some point, there is the possibility to play ukulele or to think about your relationship to your smartphone at Maya Magnas Performance. All of these activities take place as installations, performances, live-video-broadcasting and inside virtual reality. 

A small hint at the end: there will be a lot of Disco Dance, so it is time to get your training shoes from the basement. Move your body to the POP!

  • re:publica
    Tech for Good
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    The Global Innovation Gathering's Labmobile is a mobile space for learning, hacking, making, and most of all for knowledge exchange and community building. The main goal is to have a vehicle to bring people together who would otherwise never have met. We want to share stories and our learning that connections made through co-creation are deep, impactful and lasting: We are what we create together!
  • re:publica
    Data shapes our perceptions and determines our actions on an everyday basis. It is not easily perceptible, yet surrounding us everywhere. The data walkshop wants to challenge this by creating awareness on layers of data in spaces. We invite you to join our re:publica data walk and to sharpen your senses for the data around you: we walk through, investigate, map and visualise data to finally stimulate new ideas and debates around widespread datafication.
  • re:publica
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    Mit Peeping Town entwickelt Chez Company ein interaktives Spiel in vielschichtigen urbanen Arealen mit menschlichen Avataren – Schauspieler, die via Mini-Kamera ihren Point of View live ins Internet streamen, während User weltweit per Chat ihnen Anweisungen und Texte einflüstern. Sie werden zu Stellvertretern, sind hybride Figuren, humanoide Entertain-Roboter, die auf eine Reise durch alle Zeitzonen geschickt werden.

    - WARDROBE -
  • re:publica
    In the year 2018 human race is standing at a crossroads. When it comes to the implementation of technology, automation and Artificial Intelligence in almost every areas of our everyday life, we need to decide how is our future supposed to look like. How will the future of jobs be?

  • re:publica
    Fe:male Digital Footprint
    Tools of Subversion ist eine Computerspiel-Installation, in der Künstlerinnen unterschiedlicher Sparten an Interventionen gegen Hate Speech arbeiten. Dieses Netzwerk aus Frauen etabliert neue Formen des Widerstands im Netz, die nicht auf Sprache basieren, sondern sich auf die Kraft von selbst gestalteten Bildern stützen. Das Toolset, für das ein Set aus verschiedenen Anti-Hass-Controllern entwickelt wurde, dekonstruiert und transformiert Hass-Websites mit den Möglichkeiten einer Game-Engine.

    - WARDROBE -
  • re:publica
    Tech for Good
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    The Queen of Typewriters clarifies why everybody needs a mechanical typewriter, explains how you find the right one, gives tips for cleaning and mainenance and presents "Lady 1337", a vintage mechanical typewriter that also serves as a USB keyboard.
  • re:publica
    The media art installation portrays the fictitious Govtech startup Smile to Vote and its cutting edge product with the same name: an ultra efficient e-voting booth. By means of AI-based facial scanning, the voting booth gages the political conviction of any given person and emulates the process of digitally casting a vote at the upcoming 2019 EU Parliament elections by simply looking into a camera. Learn more about the project as well as other interesting use cases at

    - WARDROBE -
  • re:publica
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    Restart is an interactive performance for a single participant and their Smartphone. The participants are invited to an experience that would make them rethink the relationship with their digital device. The ritual's structure was inspired by various cleansing rituals from around the world, with an added digital twist.

  • re:publica
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    Die Ukulele ist ein tolles Instrument: Sie kostet nicht viel und kann überall mitkommen. Ukulele spielen macht glücklich, entspannt und bringt Menschen zusammen. Nur spielen müsste man sie noch können können. In diesem Hands-on-Workshop gehen wir zusammen die Grundschritte - vom Stimmen des Instruments bis zu den ersten drei Akkorden - und lernen, warum das im Ernstfall sogar völlig ausreicht.

    - wir treffen uns im "re:lax" beim Fabmobil -