Politics & Society

Photo credit: re:publica/Gregor Fischer

Reflections on the change of societies and political dynamics due to digitization are at the core of the re:publica programme. We are interested in shifting power balances, in societal change and civic digital action. At re:publica we want to talk about what we need to do for a free and open Internet and its relation to the shifting political paradigms on the continent. We want to explore the intersections of technology with politics and society.

In this track we will discuss surveillance technologies, data and privacy protection, e-privacy, Internet shutdowns and net neutrality. We will look at community networks, the effects of AI on society, digital disobedience, as well as new governance models aided by digital technologies.

We invite activists, civil society representatives, researchers and all persons with experience in these topics to help us examine the interplay of technology and society on a philosophical level as well as on the day-to-day basis. We’ll explore the opportunities of civic tech and debate the state of Internet freedom - based on your contributions. Questions we would like to see tackled e.g. include: How do social media platforms influence the shaping of political opinions? How are movements and communities for Internet freedom, digital democracy and open data developing? What social and legislative processes should be initiated to regulate an ever accelerating automation? Can the blockchain deliver on its promise of revolutionizing governance processes?

  • Politics & Society
    Fe:male Digital Footprint
    In her keynote session, Katherine Maher will discuss the future of free information on the web, the threat “big tech” poses to our open societies, and our collective responsibility to protect and sustain our shared commons.
  • Politics & Society
    Drei Wochen nach der re:publica treten die neuen EU-Datenschutzregeln in Kraft. Doch viele Verbraucher*innen wissen noch immer nicht, was diese Reform für sie bedeutet. Welche neuen Rechte verleiht ihnen das Gesetz
    und wie können sie diese durchsetzen? Antworten auf diese und weitere Fragen geben wir in unserem Talk zur Datenschutz-Grundverordnung.
  • Politics & Society
    Tanja und Johnny Haeusler über ihre Arbeit mit Jugendlichen – und für sie – im Rahmen der Jugendkonferenz TINCON.
  • Politics & Society
    Throughout 1980s our collective political memory has been erased and the humanity was politically infantilised. The masses were taught to be helpless in the face of political decisions. The new rising right-wing populism came at this moment where the political actors were transformed into passive audiences of dominant economic and political narrative. The cure to our age is to remember the times when were able political agents who are capable of changing the political currents. We have to remember the entire story of recent decades to be able to break the pattern in today's world and remind ourselves our moral and philosophical strength.
  • Politics & Society
    Chelsea Manning in an intimate interview situation with Geraldine de Bastion and Theresa Züger.
    One year after her release, we aim to discuss about hippies and the Silicon Valley; the social, technological and economic impact of artificial intelligence, practical applications of machine learning and the responsibility of developers in regards to technology and politics. Also:Hannah Arendt, civil disobedience, radical politics and the consequences of an uncontrollable state power.
  • Politics & Society
    Tech for Good
    Join us in this session with three members of #AfricaBlogging to discuss the positioning of bloggers between activists and political analysts, how to remain independent and credible, and what it means to be a successful blogger in the post-truth world of social media and fake News.
  • Politics & Society
    Tech for Good
    What happens if you give digital changemakers from Africa, Europe and other parts of the world a chance to exchange and collaborate on equal terms?
  • Politics & Society
    Fe:male Digital Footprint
    How Twitter is connecting and amplifying disabled voices.
  • Politics & Society
    Man gebe den Menschen ein Werkzeug an die Hand, mit dem sie mühelos ein weltweites Publikum erreichen können. Ein Tool, das nicht differenziert zwischen richtig und falsch, zwischen Recht und Unrecht. Eine Plattform, die sich allein an Klicks und Shares orientiert. What could possibly go wrong?
  • Politics & Society
    Against the backdrop of more than one billion people lacking legal proof of identity, we want to bring together technologists and development experts to single out a common vision on how blockchain-powered identification systems need to be designed to leave no one behind. You are invited to develop concrete ideas around use cases of self-sovereign identity in collaboration with GIZ and other experts.
  • Politics & Society
  • Politics & Society
    HR muss sich mit einer Stimme in die gesellschaftspolitische Debatte zu gesamtgesellschaftlichen Umbrüchen – Digitalisierung, demographischer Wandel, sich verändernde Lebensvorstellungen – einbringen. Die DGFP, das führende HR-Kompetenznetzwerk, erarbeitet mit Hilfe ihrer Mitglieder und externen Impulsen neue Ansätze und Orientierungshilfen für die Personalarbeit und schafft Rahmenbedingungen der neuen Arbeitswelt. In dieser Hinsicht muss HR ein maßgeblicher und aktiver Wegbereiter in jeglicher Organisation – ob Startup, KMU oder MNC – sein, um die digitale Transformation im gesamtgesellschaftlichen Nutzen zu gestalten. Denn die Anforderungen der modernen Arbeitswelt können nicht mehr individuell in den Unternehmen gelöst werden: Gerade deshalb ist die Arbeit von Verbänden wie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Personalführung und ihre Stimme in der Debatte so wichtig.
