Arts & Culture

Photo credits: re:publica/Gregor Fischer

Digital technologies are changing our every day culture in a multitude of ways. We are living in the middle of the post-digital age. The Internet is omnipresent – particularly in the arts and in culture. Digital art (from remixes and GIFs to net-art to virtual reality and interactive text-based adventures), creative activism and politico-cultural questions on decision-making all are points we want to discuss with you at re:publica. Or even better - let’s build prototypes!

What roles do museums and exhibition spaces play in today's world? What can libraries do to close the digital gap? How is the distribution and consumption of music and other media changing? What are the latest developments in VR and what impacts will they have on us as a society? How are our personal interactions and societal values changing? We would like to discuss open approaches in cultural institutions, the opening of archives, creative activism, as well as collaborations between the maker scene, programmers, and artists.

This thematic cross-road invites artists, cultural experts, representatives of cultural institutions and researchers to contribute to this track - we welcome installations, performances, exhibitions, workshops and other contributions at least as much as a talk or panel. Your session can be anything from a Bingo to a theater piece.

We look forward to your projects, ideas and topic on arts & culture and are eager to see what kinds of experiences new technologies will offer us in the future.

  • Arts & Culture
    Fe:male Digital Footprint
    From cam girls to performance artists, independent content providers are demanding ownership over their own bodies and representation. Sexualized images of the female body have historically served the male gaze and been exploited for profit. Today's artists and sex workers are no longer dependent on gatekeepers such as galleries and agencies. Using tools such as live-streaming and social media, they can cultivate their own brand and clients - and in some cases, develop their own platforms for distribution. What are the revolutionary possibilities and contradictions facing women selling sex on the Internet?
  • Arts & Culture
    Immersive Arts
    Digitale Bühnen allerorten, die darstellende Kunst entdeckt das Netz. Aber welche Geschichten, Ideen und Technologien kann das Netz dem Theater geben? Und wie machen sich die (gefallenen) Held/innen des Internet-Age auf den Brettern, die die Welt bedeuten?
    Ist das Internet der Schlüssel zur Neuerfindung des Theaters im 21. Jahrhundert? Kann das Theater dem Netz die Seele einhauchen? Ist da noch weisser Zwischenraum? Oder ist das alles ein großes Missverständnis?
  • Arts & Culture
    We Can Work It Out
    The Institute of Human Obsolescence (IoHO) explores the future of labour in a society that progressively automates tasks previously performed by humans. We are facing unprecedented challenges in our relationship to technology and its new socio-political implications in society. In this talk we will explain how the IoHO challenges those questions through installations, gatherings, research and actions -specifically our most recent line of work exploring human-generated data as a form of labour.
  • Arts & Culture
    Immersive Arts

    The Berlin based artist group Costa Compagnie took up the subject of oil and conducted interviews in Norway and Iraq, while filming with a 360°-camera, in order to use the footage in an immersive cyclorama-stage and a VR-film. At re:publica 18 the artists will present a summarizing video of their performance series EMPIRE OF OIL and also engage in dialogue with their audience about war and art, crisis and consumerism, VR and reality.
  • Arts & Culture
    Live-Zeichnen, Comics und Sketchnotes sind auf der re:publica schon lange ein Thema und werden jedes Jahr populärer. In 2018 möchten wir zusammen mit euch einen neuen Ansatz ausprobieren – kollaboratives Sketching. Wir zeichnen zusammen ein Wandbild mit den Highlights der re:publica. Wir starten mit einer Offline-Wand als analog-interaktives Objekt und zeichnen dann online gemeinsam weiter.
  • Arts & Culture
    Volumetric VR - video featuring moving images of real people and then digitized as a 3D asset - is the new upcoming thing in the world of Virtual Reality.
    The Berlin-based companies Trotzkind and reallifefilm international share insides of the advantages, technical obstacles and which technologies that can be combined for a realistic experience.
  • Arts & Culture
    Cancel the Apocalypse
    Envisioning utopia is naturally uncomfortable; it feels indulgent, a bit delusional, and ultimately impractical and unrealistic. It’s not. Fearlessly working toward radical success is required for meaningful progress.
  • Arts & Culture
    A sound-sensitive glowing personal mini cloud on a string. Re-purpose and re-use to create your very own.
  • Arts & Culture
    Zum G20 Gipfel in Hamburg 2017 hat das 1000GESTALTEN Kollektiv eine performative KunstAktion mit über 1200 Menschen realisiert.
    In einer zweistündigen Choreographie haben sie ihrer Kritik am G20-Gipfel Ausdruck verliehen und zu mehr Menschlichkeit und Eigenverantwortung aufgerufen.
    Die Bilder der grauen Gestalten gingen um die Welt, wurden millionenfach geteilt, das Webvideo zur Aktion hat mehr als 3.000.000 Views.
    Das Kollektiv berichtet auf diesem Panel über Hintergründe und Umsetzung.
  • Arts & Culture
    Your brainwaves will shape tomorrow’s world. Let’s explore how.
    Brain-Computer Interaction allows us to harness the raw power of our brain activity to create and interact with the environment around us, beyond the limitations of our bodies and current interaction paradigms. With this knowledge in mind, what would you want to do?
    Let’s embark on a journey together to materialize the power of our mind and tap into its potential to create powerful and immersive experiences.
  • Arts & Culture
    Immersive Arts
    Bei diesem re:publica Virtual Reality Meetup können sich alle Besucher treffen, die Interesse an einem Austausch von Ideen und Erlebnissen zum Thema "Kunst, Kultur und immersive Medienformen" haben.
  • Arts & Culture
    Stellt euch vor, ihr fährt nach Kroatien auf Urlaub und das smarte Schloss eurer gemieteten Ferienwohnung streikt. Oder ihr arbeitet in einem Hochhaus, und der Lift braucht gerade, als ihr ins 30. Stockwerk fahren wollt, ein Update. In der neuen, smarten Welt kann vieles passieren, woran zuerst einmal keiner denkt - außer Schriftstellern mit ihrer unendlichen Vorstellungskraft. Die besten Ausschnitte aus "Smart Lies - alles smart?" in einer Lesung.