
A big thank you goes to our media partners

… for the exciting media coverage and awesome activities before and at #rp18.

Whether it was preannouncement, ticket lottery, live coverage, blog posts, posters, interviews and exciting activities or goodies for our visitors - our media partners did a great job to led the re:publica shine and show it's diversity to the world. 

We are overwhelmed and want to thank warmly ASK HELMUT, Media Residents, Shift/ed, Die Draussenwerber, Motherboard, dctp.tv, piqd, Deutschlandfunk Nova, podigee, FluxMusic, twitch, Berlin Valley, Landau Media, brand eins, futurezone, radioeins, Hochschule für Medien, Kommunikation und Wirtschaft, buzzrank, berliner fenster and Deutscher Journalisten-Verband for their cooperation.