Technologie-Anthropolog*innen, Psycholog*innen, Cybersecurity-Researcher*innen, Historiker*innen, Neurobiolog*innen, Soziolog*inen (und und und ...) - dieser Track ist euch und eurer Forschung gewidmet. Hier untersuchen wir die Synergien von Wissenschaft und Technologie. Wir fragen, wie technologische Entwicklungen und Innovationen Kultur und Gesellschaft beeinflussen, wie Kultur und Gesellschaft ihrerseits digitale Entwicklung und Innovation vorantreiben. Dabei interessieren uns Infrastrukturen und Hardware ebenso wie Einblicke in die Logbücher aus Laboren, ThinkTanks und Universitäten. Nicht zuletzt geht es uns auch um das Träumen, das Tüfteln, das Designen, um neue Materialien - um Making und Hacking.

  • Science & Technology
    Teens & Kids
    Unleash your imagination, perhaps build a creature?

    Explore different ways of creating movement collaboratively or individually.
    Experiment and choose the motornand methods that you fancy.

    Basic materials will be provided. Build your own ideas.

    Create technology for the future. Your ideas matter. You make a difference.
    Everyoneis super welcome, especially if you have no previous experience.
  • Science & Technology
    Tech for Good
    Natural disasters can be devastating. In 2010 90,000 people were killed during an earthquake in Hati, in 2015 6,000 in Nepal and in 2016 16,000 in Ecuador. Each time it took emergency services teams more then 24 hours to reach the trapped and injured. Medical teams were challenged by access to effected areas due to road blocks, broken infrastructure and vast geographic distance. At Cadus e.V, we want to change this. In April we will be testing the first ever civilian airdrop. We want to parachute our personnel and specially designed medical boxes into hard to reach areas, shortening the time it takes medical teams to reach the injured and trapped after disaster strikes.
  • Science & Technology
    Tech for Good
    Natural disasters can be devastating. In 2010 90,000 people were killed during an earthquake in Hati, in 2015 6,000 in Nepal and in 2016 16,000 in Ecuador. Each time it took emergency services teams more then 24 hours to reach the trapped and injured. Medical teams were challenged by access to effected areas due to road blocks, broken infrastructure and vast geographic distance. At Cadus e.V, we want to change this. In April we will be testing the first ever civilian airdrop. We want to parachute our personnel and specially designed medical boxes into hard to reach areas, shortening the time it takes medical teams to reach the injured and trapped after disaster strikes.
  • Science & Technology
    Cancel the Apocalypse
    Every day, we hear new stories about how the Internet destroys society. It’s filled, it seems, with military-grade psyops and discriminatory algorithms. Why? Rather than look fondly back to “cyberspace,” this talk argues today’s situation stems from misguided assumptions about bodiless communication. It further reveals connections between segregation, eugenics and current network tools. To create more just futures, it calls for collaborations across the all disciplines, industry, and activists.
  • Science & Technology
    Tech for Good
    Fab Labs and maker spaces offer a huge potential to foster ecological sustainability. However, often a lack of awareness and adequate tools in such spaces inhibit the development of truly sustainable processes and solutions.
  • Science & Technology
    There are so many niche needs related to health & wellbeing which cannot be filled by established commercial solutions. That applies to the global north and even more to the global south. However, digital fabrication and ICTs combined allow for co-developing open source (connected) hardware solutions that are designed for production in makerspaces to fill this gap.
  • Science & Technology
    Tech for Good
    The idea of Open Science is to enable more people to make valuable contributions to scientific research and develop solutions collectively, especially in low-resource settings. Due to pricey lab equipment much research output has been restricted to a few highly funded laboratories. In countries like Egypt and Cameroon, innovators and scientists are fixing, hacking and recreating tools using digital fabrication. Discuss with us Open Science Hardware and laboratory equipment as a common good.
  • Science & Technology
    Tech for Good
    A mid-wife in the mountains of Nepal, a surgeon under bombardment in Northern Syria – how can digital, distributed manufacturing support them to deliver basic needs and healthcare services they need? This session will present different innovative approaches to hacking the humanitarian aid system. Speakers will present their projects and discuss how they can support each other by creating a globally accessible open source catalogue and network of crisis response makerspaces.
  • Science & Technology
    We Can Work It Out
    Wir werden in den nächsten zehn Jahren sehr stark mit dem Aufkommen von künstlicher Intelligenz konfrontiert werden. Sie wird viele Bereiche unseres Lebens fundamental verändern. Von Industrie 4.0 über autonome Maschinen bis hin zu Anwendungen in der Medizin verstärkt sich der Einsatz von Deep Learning – Systemen. Dabei stellt sich die Frage, inwieweit wir diesen neuen intelligenten Systemen vertrauen können. Wieviel Verantwortung geben wir ab?
  • Science & Technology
    Viele der Autos, die heute auf den Straßen fahren, sind rollende Computer. Sie sind vernetzt - ob mit dem Smartphone oder anderen Fahrzeugen und generieren während der Fahrt große Datenmengen. Stellt man diese Fahrzeugfunktionen und -daten bereit, können völlig neue, intelligente und innovative Anwendungen realisiert werden. Doch, was bedeutet die Öffnung des Fahrzeugs nach außen für uns und welche Chancen ergeben sich dadurch?
  • Science & Technology
    How an enterprise engages in Blockchain. Stories of the fun and the challenges that we faced.
  • Science & Technology
    We Can Work It Out
    When humans imagined robots and computers in the workplace, they have envisioned them as servants and supporters of mankind. However, in recent years, many online platforms, such as Uber or Amazon Mechanical Turk, are “employing” myriads of human workers for tasks supervised, controlled and managed by algorithms. How does it feel like when your boss is an AI algorithm? How do human workers react when the algorithm maltreats them? And how can platforms enable workers in platform mediated-work to regain their voice and autonomy? In this session, Lior Zalmanson and Thomas Gegenhuber will share their insights from their recent academic studies and outline future directions for labor relations in platform-mediated work.